Iron ore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron ore is the raw material used to make pig iron, which is one of the main raw materials to make steel. 98% of the mined iron ore is used to make steel.
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Iron Ore: Sedimentary Rock - Pictures, Definition & More
Iron ore is a chemical sedimentary rock that people have used as ... These iron ores have been mined to produce almost every iron and steel object that we use today ...
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What are the main uses of iron ore? - Ask
Iron ore is used primarily in the ... What are the main uses of iron ore? A: ... the purpose of a blast furnace is to produce enough heat to extract iron from raw ore ...
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2. What is iron ore used for? - Carbine Tungsten
What is iron ore used for? Iron ore is usually smelted to produce pig iron (metallic iron), which is used to make steel.
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Iron Ore – Minecraft Wiki
Iron ore is a mineral block found underground. ... Iron ore requires a stone, iron, or diamond pickaxe to be successfully obtained. Official release; 1.3.1 12w22a:
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Iron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to Pliny the Elder, iron use was common in the Roman era. ... The carbon monoxide reduces the iron ore (in the chemical equation below, hematite) ...
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What is iron ore used for - Answers
Apparently, over 99% of iron ore commercially used is for steel making. Steel is used in construction (housing/housing appliances), aircrafts, automobiles and ...
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Iron Ore - Mineral Fact Sheets - Australian Mines Atlas
As with most iron ore mines throughout the world, all the major Australian iron ore mines are open cut. The ores from the major mines in Western Australia's Pilbara ...
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USGS Minerals Information: Iron Ore
Iron ore is the source of primary iron for the world's iron and steel industries. It is ... Almost all (98%) iron ore is used in steelmaking. Iron ...
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From ore to steel – ArcelorMittal
Who we are; From ore to steel; ... A mixture of iron ore and coal is then heated in a blast furnace to produce molten iron, or pig iron, from which steel is made.
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